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Easy Clean Solutions

A functional remedy and a Cleaner Santiser 

When I first learned about Eco Warrior it was hard to believe one product could be so versatile and yet it has proved itself to be a great solution for us in the bakery where hygiene and sanitising surfaces is so important.


To be food grade compliant it is critical to have a sanitiser that kills bacteria and germs. The problem is most of them are chemical based and all carry warnings about not breathing the fumes and to avoid skin contact.  


Eco warrior has been independently Hill's Laboratory tested to kill E Coli and Stef bacteria's in five minutes and yet it is also a functional remedy.


So what does functional remedy mean?


Kimberley was an asthmatic and was finding cleaning making her worse.  As a qualified Aromatherapist she developed a solution using essential oils that can support your health and breathing while you clean.  It wasn't too long and her asthma had diminished massively.


It is safe for cleaning all babies and children's toys, surfaces and even safe enough to spray on your skin.  I now use it as a refresher on my face after washing and before applying moisturiser.   It leaves my skin feeling fantastic.





Vinegar is amazing

There are a lot of great recipes, tricks and shortcuts out there to help you take the chemicals out of daily life, and doing so is well worth the effort of making the change. 


Vinegar is a natural sanitiser and we use it on our bread making table after washing it.  It is a natural wood table and we don't want any chemical residue in it.    


Here are some hints and tips.



Spray with Vinegar after washing in hot soapy water to sanitise and remove any soap residue.



Fill the soap container with Baking Soda

Pour Vinegar on the bottom of the machine.

Turn on for a cycle with nothing in it.

It will clean the machine nicely for you.



Add a good splash of Vinegar to your window washing water.

Old towels cut into smaller pieces make excellent finishing wipes for windows as they catch the dirt in the towel thread easily.

Means less energy to get a good result !!



Try pouring undiluted vinegar onto the stain and washing as normal.

This also works great for spills on carpet - wine, tomato sauce, for example. 

Pour undiluted vinegar on the area, wait a few minutes, and then wipe up with a damp cloth.








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